Microsoft Dynamics Client Relationship Management (CRM) software is a customer centric tool that allows for a centralised source of the truth about the relationships that are important to your organisation. It provides structure for consistent organisational processes and at the same time can be configured to meet the needs of individual users. If you need a list, report, graph or mail merge of customer data then Dynamics CRM is your go-to software. If you can think of it, Dynamics CRM can capture and present it.
In its simplest form CRM is a robust repository of contacts; in a more complex form CRM is an integrated, automated and customised solution specific to the way that your business thinks and functions.
P&L is Microsoft's preferred online partner in New Zealand who will create a roadmap specific to your needs to ensure that you get the most out of Dynamics CRM. Start the free trial or better still, contact us by email or phone (09 353-8052) for a no obligation demonstration and we'll show you the full potential of Dynamics CRM.
To discuss which are best for you please call 09 353 8052